This page shows how DejaVu Sans Mono can be used as a WebFont, and how it looks like. (Compare to the PDF version.)
DejaVu fonts are TrueType fonts licensed under a free license, converted here to woff2 format using fonttools, and to woff1 format using FontForge, using default options.
The CSS block used is
@font-face {
font-family: 'DejaVu Sans Mono';
src: url('') format('truetype'),
url('') format('woff2'),
url('') format('woff');
/* This is a free font; see license at */
Example characters from various unicode blocks:
- Basic Latin (PDF):
- A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ASCII characters
- Latin-1 Supplement (PDF):
- °, ±, µ, §, ¹, ², ³, ×, ÷, ·, ¶, non-breaking space (' '), and letters like Ö, é, å, ß, ç
- Greek and Coptic (PDF):
- π, Ω, α, β, γ, δ, ε, λ, ν, τ, φ, χ, ω, Γ, Δ
- General Punctuation (PDF):
- Various spaces (including em-space, ' '), —, “, ”, ‥, …
- Superscripts and Subscripts (PDF):
- ⁰, ⁱ, ⁿ, ⁴, ⁵, ₀, ₁, ₐ, ₙ, ₘ, ₛ, ₜ, ₓ
- Arrows (PDF):
- ←, ↑, →, ↓, ↔, ↕, ⇐, ⇒, ⇍, ⇏, ⇔, ⇕, ⇱
- Mathematical Operators (PDF):
- ∂, ∆, ∇, ∈, ∉, √, ∛, ∓, ∑, ∏, ∫, ∝, ∞, ≃, ≄, ≈, ≉, ≤, ≥,
≪, ≫, ⊕, ⊖, ⊗, ⊘, ⊙, ⊚, ⊛, ⊜, ⊝, ⊞, ⊟, ⊠, ⊡, ⋘, ⋙, ⋮, ⋯, ⋰, ⋱
- Miscellaneous Technical (PDF):
- ⌠ ⎛ ⎞ ⎡ ⎤ ⎧ ⎫ ⎰, ⎲, ⌈, ⌉, ⌊, ⌋, 〈, 〉, ⌘
⎮, ⎜, ⎟, ⎢, ⎥, ⎨, ⎬, ⎱ ⎳
⌡ ⎝ ⎠ ⎣ ⎦ ⎩ ⎭
- Enclosed Alphanumerics (PDF):
- ①, ②, ③, ④, ⑤, ⑥, ⑦, ⑧, ⑨, ⑩, ⑪, ⑫, ⑬, ⑭, ⑮, ⑯, ⑰, ⑱, ⑲, ⑳,
Ⓐ, Ⓑ, Ⓒ, Ⓓ, Ⓔ, Ⓕ, Ⓖ, Ⓗ, Ⓘ, Ⓙ, Ⓚ, Ⓛ, Ⓜ, Ⓝ, Ⓞ, Ⓟ, Ⓠ, Ⓡ, Ⓢ, Ⓣ, Ⓤ, Ⓥ, Ⓦ, Ⓧ, Ⓨ, Ⓩ
- Box Drawing (PDF):
- ╱, ╲, ╳, ┌, ─, ┬, ┐, │, ├, ┼, ┤, └, ┴, ┘, ╔, ═, ╦, ╗, ╠, ╬, ╣, ╚, ╩, ╝, ╡, ╞, ╟, ╢, ╤, ╧, ╪, ╫
- Block Elements (PDF):
- ▀, ▁, ▂, ▃, ▄, ▅, ▆, ▇, █, ▉, ▊, ▋, ▌, ▍, ▎, ▏, ▐, ░, ▒, ▓, ▔, ▕, ▖, ▗, ▘, ▙, ▚, ▛, ▜, ▝, ▞, ▟
- Miscellaneous Symbols (PDF):
- ☐, ☑, ☒, ★, ☆, ☢, ☣, ☺, ☻, ☹, ♩, ♪, ♫, ♬, ♥, ♦, ♣, ♠, ♧, ♤, ♡, ♢